Vala’s first Sustainable Blue Economy report

As a signatory of the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles (the Principles), Vala Capital is committed to the sustainable and inclusive growth of the blue economy.

As sustainable venture builders and investors, we invest in and work with a range of businesses that relate to the blue economy. We recognise that restoring and protecting marine ecosystems and the blue economy is critical to our business, and to us all.

A key part of our investment philosophy is to only invest in companies that have aligned the interests of their shareholders with those of society and the environment. As such, we integrate fundamental sustainability considerations into all of our investment decisions, including those investments related to the blue economy.

This report sets out our key actions and plans in respect of the blue economy since signing the Principles in July 2022. As this is our first report, this forms part of a benchmarking process on the implementation of the Principles that we will strive to build on over the next year at both an operational level and across our financial activities.

Read the full report here.

Lian Michelson, Investment Director, Vala Capital.


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